Preston North End vs Blackburn Rovers – English League – Championship – watch live match FULL HD – بث مباشر مباريات اليوم

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Flood = ban, thank you!

Player Injuries

Home Preston North End :

Player Name Type of Injury Expected Return Date Player Image
A._McCann Thigh injury Mid May 2024 A._McCann
B._Whiteman Leg injury Mid May 2024 B._Whiteman
B._Potts Knock injury A few days B._Potts
A._Browne Illness A few days A._Browne
W._Keane Hamstring Injury Mid October 2024 W._Keane

Away Blackburn Rovers :

Player Name Type of Injury Expected Return Date Player Image
Unknown or no player injuries found

Current Season Standings –

Club Name MP W D L GF GA GD Pts Last 5 Results
Club Name 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W-D-L-W-W

My Teams

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